The foundation

The Neurobiology of Trauma

The Neurobiology of Trauma
This program forms the foundation of Being Trauma Informed, as every program we run is grounded in the science of how trauma affects the brain. You’ll learn about the process your brain uses to deal with threat…


Principles of Trauma Informed Care

This program takes the neurobiology of trauma and focuses on long term impact, to help those working with trauma survivors in non-clinical settings be more effective in their interactions. We provide concrete skills that increase effectiveness.


Trauma Informed Supervision

Managers and supervisors working in organizations that serve trauma survivors face the unique challenge of organizational trauma and the long term impact of their own employees’ trauma. This program provides concrete methods for managing…


Principles of Trauma Informed Interviewing

The Neurobiology of Trauma
This program forms the foundation of Being Trauma Informed, as every program we run is grounded in the science of how trauma affects the brain. You’ll learn about the process your brain…


Building Resilience: Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma

Working with trauma, whether as an advocate, attorney, doctor, nurse, law enforcement officer, investigator, or even judge can have a negative impact on us. This program examines the science…

Train the Trainer

How to be Trauma Informed as a Trainer

With the prevalence of trauma in our society it’s likely that we will have survivors in our audiences. Trauma informed trainers use the science to help structure exercises, create materials, and provide accessible learning environments.

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